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Better techniq for sex reassignment surgery

Golam Rahman

Introduction: Bangladesh is a densely populated country. A lot of transgender people are leaving in the village as well as urban areas. usualy they leave in a confined area. They want a reassign surgery for their genital organ. I have used different techniques for reconstruction of the genital organs. Actually a new vaginal canal is made. It is covered with; 1. fullthickness graft, 2. Spontaneous reepithelization, 3. using muscles 4. using part of the colon, etc. Methods: I used spontaneous reepithelization methods in most of the cases (about 400 cases). Considering shortage of facilities, I used the simple methods. Complications: some cases (10)came with pinhole meatous of urethra,14 cases came with shortness of vagina. Conclusion Considering shortage of facilities, it is difficult to do complicated methods, simple method worked well in most of the cases. we want to discuss for better methods.
協会、団体、大学向けのピアレビュー出版 pulsus-health-tech