Cerebral Lipiodol® embolism after interventional lymphatic
embolization: A case report
Piet Waelkens*, SofianBounez, Johan Vandommele
An infant with a medical history of anuniventricular heart developed plastic
fibrosis after a Fontan circuit correction. A lymphatic embolization was
performed for symptomatic improvement. After one hour on the postanesthesia
care unit (PACU), the patients mental status altered and had
seizures. Neuroimaging revealed multiple hyper densities in the brain due to
Lipiodol embolization. Cerebral Lipiodol embolism is a rare but potentially
lethal complication following interventional lymphatic procedures. This case
is unique due to its severity of the embolisms. Attention should be paid on
postoperative neurological exam and prolonged PACU stay is advised.