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Higgs boson and the evolution of the universe derived from einstein’s equation with a fourdimensional sphere as the metric

Kay Zum Felde

We critically review the inflation Big Bang theory, which is the favorite model of the origin of the Universe. It has been the result of this model, that the Universe is expanding by a huge boost. The Standard Model is proposing a homogenous isotropic initial state of the Universe. The inflation model is avoiding the flatness and the horizon problem. The horizon problem has been identified as disconnected regions of particles, that were the result of a non-causal connected initiation of the Big Bang. The second problem is flatness. That means the Universe shows what is called the cosmological principle. It is looking everywhere the same. A problem is the critical mass. If the critical mass needed to become the known Universe’s initial state is close to the actual mass density, it is not stable. We use Einstein’s equation to formulate a new interpretation of the evolution of the Universe. We invent a scenario of the origin of the Universe based on Einstein’s equation, by means of the metric being a four dimensional sphere.

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協会、団体、大学向けのピアレビュー出版 pulsus-health-tech