44 2033180199

Manual small incision cataract surgery or standard incision phacoemulsification cataract surgery does incision size matters in post-operative surgery induced astigmatism

Atanu Majumdar

Objective: Comparative evaluation of postoperative efficacy (SIA, CCT, ECC, EPT, and ECL) of manual small-incision and standard incision coaxial phacoemulsification in patients with age related cataracts. Method: This is a prospective randomized comparative study. A total of 150 eyes of patient’s undergone surgeries for cataract were assessed. Two groups were made depending on the either of the techniques adopted for surgery comprising 75 each. Post-operative assessments were done at 1st day, 7th day, 30th day and 90th day. Data analysed statistically using repeated measure analysis of variance method to test significance (p).

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